
For campers entering grades 3-6

New! Frontier Ranch Mini-Camp is designed to give campers a taste of the ultimate sleep-away camp experience! For many, it’s a great introduction to life at camp, and campers have an opportunity to try many of the activities offered at Frontier Ranch.  

You get to fly down our 300+ foot zip line, ride our 50cc off-road motorcycles, visit the animals in the barn, and learn to make amazing new crafts!

Your camper will also have the ability to choose from various activities like archery, slip n slide, archery tag, and craft deck during free time!  

Join us from 11:00-1:30 closing day for a family fest, lunch will be provided.  


Week | $475 Dates Registration Status
Mini Camp Week 4 June 29 – July 2  Open
  • Important Times for Mini Camp

    Camper check-in Sunday from 2:30-4:30PM 

    Opening Ceremony Sunday at 4:30PM 

    Closing Day Family Fest Wednesday 11:00am-1:30PM 

  • Schedule


    Time Event
    2:30 Check In opens
    4:30 Opening Ceremony  
    6:00 Dinner on Field 
    7:00 Team Competition Opening Ceremony
    7:45 Snack 
    8:00 Campfire
    9:30 Head to Bed

    Monday – Tuesday

    Time Event
    8:30 Breakfast
    9:15 Primetime
    10:00 Bible Study
    11:00 Activity Period 1
    12:!5 Lunch
    1:00 Hangtime
    2:00 Activity Period 2
    3:15 Activity Period 3
    4:30 Free Time
    5:30 Soccer on the Field
    6:00 Dinner
    6:45 Mail Call
    7:15 Evening Rec
    8:00 Snack
    8:15 Campfire
    9:30 Head to Bed


    Time Event
    8:30 Breakfast
    9:15 Primetime
    10:00 Bible Study
    11:00 Family Fest Starts
    12:!5 Lunch
    1:00 Hangtime
    2:00 Activity Period 2
    3:15 Activity Period 3
    12:35 Family Lunch
    1:15 Closing Ceremony
    1:30 Goodbyes

Frequently Asked Questions



Camp is for everybody! Don’t let finances stand in the way of sending your child to camp this summer. Frontier Ranch is partnering with Kay Trust, a scholarship fund that helps many families send their children to camp each year. And thanks to generous donors, we have an established scholarship fund of our own.

Registration opens on Dec 1 at 8 am.

Glad to have you at Frontier Ranch!

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